

Software Penggambar Wajah "FBI Faces v.4.0

Nah, software yang ini emang unik. Nih software katanya digunakan FBI untuk melacak wajah penjahat. "waduh, berarti nih software komersil, dunk!!". Ah, gak juga, kan di Ahmadmadara semuanya is gratizzz, (kecuali mungkin iklan kali yee!!). Siapa tahu wajah kamu bisa di gambarin di sini. Kalo bisa berarti kamu itu "PENJAHAT BURONAN FBI". Weleh-weleh, gak juda denk!! Oke download aja

software ini, HAPPY DONLOT!!

FBI Faces v4.0

FBI Faces v4.0
Create any face you like Surprise yor friends and family with a drawing picture of themselfThe FACES award winning program makes a composite look virtually like a photo and it produces a good quality image. That?s why thousands of police agencies worldwide including the CIA, FBI and the US Military use FACES.

* Creates photo-like composites
* Generates unique alphanumeric code for every composite
* Extensive database of facial features
* Runs on any standard desk or laptop computer
* Expanded Latin, Asian and African-American features
* Three-tone hair color
* Side to side hair flip
* Facial markings: scars, moles, piercing, tattoos
* Improved age progression
* Detachable hats and headwear
* Full Windows XP compatibility
* Ability to export composite as JPEG file
* Integration with TRAK alert system
* Slide show capability
* ?Not A Real Photograph? Indicator
* Improved zooming and positioning tools



size:  320 Mb

5 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Ayo, coba avatar-kan mukamu yang ancur itu!!

Anonymous said...

password winrar nya apa y ?

maria ozawa said...

Kalo kalian mau buat website SMUO (sistim mesin uang otomatis) atau WPR (website pengunpul rupiah),gue kasih download gratis....gue sayang ama kalian lho...! Kalo mau SMUO alamatnya;http://rapidshare.com/files/191944126/SMUO.zip dan Kalo mau WPR alamatnya;http://www.4shared.com/file/102735035/623db86c/scriptwpr-2009.html dan sandi acces 1633-sandi extrac1637....kalo uda download file nya harus di ectrax pkai winzip

Anonymous said...

datanya sudah di hapus owner website nya.. dimana lagi kita mau download..??

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