

Download Google Earth Pro GOLD Edition (full crack)

Saat ini google earth sudah gak asing buat kita. Kita bisa menjelajah dunia hanya dengan duduk dan njlanin programnya. Nah, di edisi posting ahmadmadara ini, saya kasih ke kamu-kamu google erath gold edition full version!! Udah ada crack-nya lho!! (maklum, pecinta bajakann) Oke, kamu tinggal download aja, dan lihat informasinya

(pake english) untuk lebih jelas.

Google Earth Pro GOLD Edition

FULL ver. = Special Crack in the rar.
The best version of google earth !!!! GOLD version.

Google Earth Pro-Gold Edition 2008

Google Earth is a virtual globe program that lets you surf through our entire planet. You can zoom and search for your town and much more things such as school, churches etc! Google Earth Pro (Gold) is the upgraded version, it has alot of more features such as movie making or advanced printing and much more... Worth 400 $

Google Earth Pro combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.

* Fly to your house. Just type in an address, press Search, and you’ll zoom right in.
* Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions.
* Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings, or look up to explore the sky
* Save and share your searches and favorites.

Download Link:
Click on the Part1 to download

Part 1 |

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2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

itu buat versi brp gan??

Anonymous said...


gak bisa nech....

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